This weekend the USGAA Camogie Development Committee held a very successful Camogie360 event in Baltimore MD. We are proud to have our own Sandra Holland (@usgaacamogiedevelopment Committee member and event organizer) @ufit__wellness, Arthur McCarthy and Mia Jafari @miajafari involved. Arthur and Mia have just become USGAA tutors and graciously stepped up to facilitate workshops. We are also very excited for all of our Raleigh Camogie players who travelled for a weekend of making new connections, player development and meaningful games

Rain did not keep our Camóg’s from having the BEST time! Well done Sandra Phelan Holland for your part in organizing this fantastic event with USGAA Camogie

We are VERY proud of our ladies who played full sided matches all morning despite the horrible rain! Wicked conditions didn’t deter, this group was determined to make the most of every minute. We are extremely lucky to have such amazing people in our club!!