Welcome 2025 Executive Committee

CORNHOLE Tournament Fundraiser 2024

Join Us for the Raleigh GAA Cornhole Tournament Fundraiser! All skill levels welcome.

We are excited to invite you to our social cornhole tournament, an event filled with fun, friendly competition, and community spirit. This tournament is part of the Raleigh GAA fundraising efforts to send a team to the USGAA Nationals 2024, which will be held in San Francisco (August 16-18). Come out, have fun, and support a great cause. We look forward to seeing you there, playing or cheering folks on! For further information or to donate a prize, please email info@raleighgaa.com

$50 entry fee per 2 person team. Includes ONE free drink ticket per player.


  1. ENTRY FEE: Send $50 per team (or $25 individual to be placed in a team on the day) to Paypal
  2. REGISTRATION: Fill out the Registration Form to provide details of your team.
  3. DEADLINE: Teams and individuals are requested to register in advance to ensure the tournament format can be finalized in advance. Deadline August 8th.


Food and Drinks

Enjoy delicious food and refreshing drinks available for purchase. One drink ticket per player is included in each entry fee.

Raffles & Prizes

Participate in our raffles for a chance to win fantastic prizes, donated by many local businesses across North Carolina and further afield. Raffle prize donations are still being accepted!

Raffle tickets will be available online and in person, with the draw taking place on the day.

The winning team will also receive a special award.

Community Spirit

Meet and mingle with fellow GAA supporters and community members. Your participation and support are crucial in helping us achieve our goal of competing at USGAA Nationals 2024. All proceeds from this event will go directly towards travel, accommodations and other expenses for our players.

LOCATION: Lone Rider Hideout at Wake Forest

Finding the Hideout

Drive down death valley. Take a right at devil’s ridge. Keep ridin’ straight until you hit the hellfire crossroad. Take the road less traveled then…

Okay, we’ll make it easy for you…1839 South Main Street, Suite 600
Wake Forest, NC 27587



Official Rules of Cornhole from the American Cornhole Association®


New Player Training

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