Welcome 2025 Executive Committee

Raleigh GAA Supplementary Code of Conduct


All members of Raleigh Cu Chulainn Gaelic Athletic Club (“Raleigh GAA”) by virtue of their club membership are subject to:  

  • The Code of Conduct as outlined by the Gaelic Athletic Association (“GAA”)  
  • The Diversity Policy currently in force as established by Raleigh GAA  
  • Raleigh GAA Supplementary Code of Conduct as outlined below

Raleigh GAA Supplementary Code of Conduct:   

  • Club members shall be supportive and respectful of decisions made by the Executive Board  
    • Including not publicly disagreeing or disparaging of any board established policy 
    • Respectful of board members in public communications 
    • Communicating confidentially any concerns they may have with an established club policy to the Executive Committee via the Secretary 
  • Club members shall be respectful of other club members 
    • They shall not publicly disparage another club member or act in disparaging manner towards other club members 
  • Club members shall refrain from being disrespectful in tone or content in postings on social media referring to Raleigh GAA or its members 


  • If a club member (“complainant”) feels that another member (“alleged violator”) is in violation of the above codes and policies (“complaint”), then they shall: 
    • Communicate the complaint confidentially in writing to the Secretary of the Club (if the Secretary is the alleged violator, then to the Chairperson. 
    • This person (Secretary or Chairperson) becomes the designated lead committee member (“lead member”). 
    • The complaint communication shall document the violation and provide any documentary evidence and/or names of other members who may have witnessed the violation to the lead member 
  • The lead member shall inform the rest of the executive committee (excluding the alleged violator if they are an executive committee member) and the group will then decide if a formal inquiry is needed 
  • If the group decides a formal inquiry is not needed then: 
    • The group shall document the rationale for not proceeding 
    • The group shall keep a record of the rationale and any documentation provided 
  • If the group decides a formal inquiry is needed then: 
    • The group shall conduct the formal inquiry in a timely manner (within two weeks of the complaint receipt) 
    • The group shall then make a decision and communicate their decision to the complainant and alleged violator on the complaint including any penalties assessed by the group 


  • The group shall also inform the other board members of their decision, redacting any confidential information as they deemed appropriate 
  • The group shall also inform the general membership of their decision, redacting any confidential information as they deemed appropriate 
  • The entire process shall happen within a maximum of three weeks of notice of the alleged violation being sent


Possible penalties for a violation 

  • Written letter of censure to the violator 
  • Requiring violator to make a public or private apology to the complainant 
  • Removal of violator from a board member or other club role 
  • Suspension of the violator from participation in club activities for a definite or indefinite length of time 
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